Thursday, August 13, 2009

Site Updates for 08-13-09

New Things:
  1. Images from the 2005 Las Veagas Renaissance Festival have been uploaded to the blog.
  2. Added a link to our blog name's descriptive text so you can get back to the main paige without having to click "back" on your browser. Try it out! Just click above on "This is where you can get the latest and greatest news about Shifting Sands Belly Dance of Las Vegas, Nevada: Meetings, Events, and General Mischief." Nifty, huh?
  3. The 2008 Renaissance Festival Photo Book has been added to the Download Page*.
[*Note: The resolution of the book is pretty low because it was a literal scan. I will post a better resolution version once I receive the original file(s).]

Up Next:
  1. Change all of the "Images" links on the mainsite to the blog's "Pictures"
  2. Go over the site & make a new list! :-)

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